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    * Ikariotikos is a traditional dance and accompanying song originating in the Greek island of Ikaria. At first it was a very slow dance, but today Ikariotikos is a very quick dance. Some specialists say that the traditional Ikariotikos was slow and the quick "version" of it is in fact Ballos.
    * MUSIC & DANCING are major forms of entertainment on Ikaria, and figure prominantly in the lives of IKARIANS. Throughout the year Ikarians host baptisms, weddings, parties and religious festivals where one can listen and dance to live traditional Ikarian Music. While in Ikaria don't miss the chance to experience firsthand the "IKARIOTIKO"(traditional dance of Ikaria) by attending one of the many PANAGIRIA (religious festivals) which take place during the summer. In the meantime you can sample the stereo audio files below to get a taste of Ikarian Music.
    * THE IKARIANS ARE DANCING" features nine Ikarian violin pieces, and other traditional Aegean songs. The music was recorded in a 16 track digital studio, and the violins are accompanied by laouto, laouto politiko, santouri and doumbek, and by local singers.

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