Why choosing Ikarias Healing Mineral Springs?

► Several Kinds of Treatment
► High Quality Mineral Springs
► Friendly Enviroment
Ikaria was fortunate to be endowed by nature with the invaluable wealth of curative waters. Ikaria's speings are considered among the most radio-active in the world, offering relief and healing in several ailments. During the last years, Ikaria's mineral springs were modernized. Especially, the springs of Apollonos, Asclepieia and Spilaiou were totaly rebuilt.
The waters of the hot mineral springs of Ikaria are considered suitable for the healing of the following ailments:
- Chronic rheumatism, specifically where several types of arthritis are involved.
- Cardiovascular ailments.
- Gout.
- Neuralgias, muscular pains.
- Gynaecological ailments.
- Endocrine gland irregularities.
- Circulatory system problems.
- Breathing irregularities.
- Dermatological ailments.
- Psoriasis.
Some more information
The mineral springs of Ikaria, situated in the southen part of the island in the area of Agios Kirikos, command an important placement among the seventeen (17) main natural mineral springs of the country. These springs are classified as hot, radioactive, salt springs, and differentiate amongst them according to inensity of radioactivity and of temperature.The mineral springs of Asklipios, Apollonas, Artemis, Kratsas and Pamfilis are all used for a variety of threatments due of their curative properties. They are classified in the group of radium mineral springs, which, in addition to radium, posses a variety of other curative elements. Radium spas are used in the treatment of cardio-vascular disease, functional disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems, joint, muscle and tendon related afflictions, chronic gynaecological disoders, as well as in the treatment of chronic disorders of the male genitalia. The waters are also used in the treatment of liver and gall-bladder disorders, in a variety of dermatological afflictions as wel as in the treatment of endocrine gland disorders. Moveover, radium therapy is recommended for the treatment of a multitute of paediatric afflictions, including: threatment for the after-effects of poliomyelitis, for encephalic paralysis and rheumatisms, as well as for chronic liver, kidney and urological disorders.
The mineral springs of "Thermo Lefkadas" are classified as sodium-chloride waters, and contain a small percentage of radium, which beneficially affect the functioning of the cardio-vascular system in patients with neuro-circulatory maladies caused by low blood pressure, with arterial hypertension, rheumato-cardiac illnesses, and in patients with venous deficiency. A beneficial effect of dermatological afflictions and especially on psoriasis has been observed at the spring waters of Lefkada, because of the high concentration of sulphuric anions therein.
In the area of Thermes, there is the mineral spa of "Spileos", which possesses a steam bath, sauna and swimming pool with sodium-chloride water and a small percentage of radium. Its natural properties are used in the treatment of a variety of illnesses, for health maintenance, prevention and for physical strengthering in general.
The clean air, unusually low atmospheric humidity levels and suspended negative ions coming off the see, all help in the regulation and elimination of pathologies in patients with chronic respiratory system disorders.
The geographical location of Ikaria' s mineral springs on the south side of the island is the reason that from March to Octomber there are no high waves on the beaches of the region, regadless of the summer wind intensities that might prevail. This phainomenon, in conjuction to one onother, means that spa therapy and swimming in the sea can be compined. This is especially convenient for those who wish to visit Ikaria's mineral springs and have brought young children with them, who can enjoy the island's beautiful beaches.
(G. Paraskeuopoulos - Doctor)
Hot Radioactive Mineral Water Springs of Ikaria

read the book
"Hot Radioactive Mineral Water Springs of Ikaria",
Written by Francesco Frantzis.
Ikarian Physiotherapist - Ikaria
Clinic Tel. (+30)-22750-22665