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Will you come to Ikaria at Christmas?
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Nas is a small village on the Greek island of Icaria. The name Nas probably derives from the Greek word "Naos"(temple) or by alteration of the godesses' ancient name "Ma," as Artemis was called in Asia Minor where she was first worshipped. Nas is a small bay with few houses. Its terrain is characterized by numerous terraces surrounded by stone walls for the locals cultivations, and the tree filled gorge of Nas with the Chalares River flowing through it and ending in a small but pretty sandy beach. There are also several tavernas with excellent views of the surrounding sea, rooms/studio apartments for rent, and a local handicrafts shop.

The small bay of Nas used to be a significant port in former times when piracy was at its peak. At the first appearance of the Turks in the Aegean and the departure of the Franks from the island in the early 16th century, the Ikarians who moved to the hideouts of the western side for defensive purposes blocked up the ancient port. Today only part of the ancient jetty survives where one can still see the iron eyelids embedded in the ground used to make the ships fast in bygone days. Nearby stand the crumbling foundations of the Temple of Artemis, patroness of bulls, also known as the sacred Tavropolio. Mystic beauty unfolds in this idyllic place in the hours of dusk.

The large magnificent gorge of the Chalares River which flows into the Bay of Nas captivates the visitor. Walking along the river bank with the towering plain trees, the sound of running water and the song of the birds, you arrive at a waterfall which falls into a secluded rock pool and then continues along a stone riverbed amidst high rock formations up into the mountain. The beautiful beach of Nas with its fine sand and its small pool at the mouth of the Chalares River which ends at the beach where the ruined temple of the goddess Artemis stands is a truly unique and majestic setting.

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